Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Ring Sling

A ring sling is a modern adaptation of traditional one shoulder carries found in Mexico, Indonesia, and other cultures.

Sling adalah terma yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan alat yang digunakan untuk mengampu sesuatu supaya ia mudah dibawa.

A pair of metal or nylon rings are securely attached to the end of a roughly two-meter-long piece of fabric. The tail end of the sling is threaded through the rings to adjust to the wearers body. The weight of the child in the carrier secures the rings against slipping. Ring slings are available in a variety of fabrics from basic cotton to luxurious silk. The long tail of the sling can be used for many things including a sun shade, nursing cover, light blanket, or hand hold for older children when your hands are full. Ring slings are excellent for newborns and for toddlers who want quick up and down carries.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Daiesu Sunset

Ring Sling
Size M (2.0m) : Rm210

Size 5 (4.2m) : RM270
Size 6 (4.6m) : RM290